Place: All over the globe
Occasion: The final battle has broken out. No longer can the tension and brutality be kept locked away inside. The war between men and women has unleashed its fury upon the world. Each side is armed with the traits and abilities that they have developed over the last several thousand years. With each army starting on opposite sides of the globe and battling their way toward and through each other, the epic battle can only end when the other side is eliminated. Who will win? We shall see.
Occasion: The final battle has broken out. No longer can the tension and brutality be kept locked away inside. The war between men and women has unleashed its fury upon the world. Each side is armed with the traits and abilities that they have developed over the last several thousand years. With each army starting on opposite sides of the globe and battling their way toward and through each other, the epic battle can only end when the other side is eliminated. Who will win? We shall see.
Over the next few posts, I will explore the various factors that will ultimately decide the war. All the while you can look to the left of the blog for polls where YOU can voice your opinion on the topics. So please, sit back, take it all in, and then weigh in at the end of every post. I'll put the next one up once I get a consensus on people opinions as to the first and so on and so forth.
DISCLAIMER: Some of the things in this blog series will be biased, stereotypical, and offensive. I apologise, but in order to explore this topic, gross generalizations must be made. Also, I will do my best to avoid thinking to chauvinistically, despite my gender. If you really feel the need to call me on something, by all means, comment or make yourself heard in the poll.
Topic 1: Organization.

A crucial part of any war effort is the organization of the leaders of each army. Men and women each have their own particular sets of skills, but I think in terms of leadership, the men will come out on top. I will admit, women are smarter than men. They can multi-task better, reason faster, and think of more creative strategies. But in terms of sheer leadership, I think men have the advantage. Women, in the heat of battle, will do anything to win, which is great, but the problem is that every woman will do anything to win, even if their individual strategies conflict. Men will choose a leader, say someone like Ol' G. Washington, and then do whatever he tells them to do. So while not as many ideas are shared, men don't encounter the problem of infighting and turmoil within the ranks. I've seen an all girl class office at school try to run itself. The tensions run high when any of them, and I mean any of them, comes up with an idea. Men might not think as much, but at least we won't be clawing each other's eyes out.
Topic 2: Sustainability.
This war that we're looking at is not a conflict that can be resolved over a couple of months. This will be a long,
drawn out conflict, flaring up at times, and at others dying down to a dull roar. This is where a key component of the battle comes into play. Women currently outnumber men 2:1, and not only that, but there is nothing men can build, think, or do to avoid the fact that if women can get their hands on a couple of strands of DNA, they are the only side out of the two that can sustain itself. In the long conflict, there will be time to raise children, children that can join the fight. Granted, if a male child is spawned he might need to be kept a secret or even destroyed. But that's beside the point, the fact of the matter is that either side can make in-vitro armies, but only men have made their "half of the bargain" readily available, in certain banking establishments. This one has to go to the women.

Topic 3: Determination.

Another point might have to go to the women here. Both sides, when faced with these life or death circumstances will certainly fight hard, but women are, in general, much more determined than men. Especially, if any man ever brings up even the thought of a possibility of a vague suggestion to do any harm to their children. Game over dude. Normal women turn into the incredible she hulk in 2.5 seconds and will stop at nothing to seek and destroy their target, with their bare hands if necessary. Not that men aren't determined, but a wall of rampaging, hormonal wildebeasts can trump a force twice its size on the field of battle.
That ought to be enough to get the gears in your head rolling. Remember, this particular blog is a community effort, comment to let me know any thoughts you have, and answer the poll to publicly display your opinion. Keep talking to me, and check back soon when I take your ideas and more of my own and bring you Part 2.
i stole tim's computer... (proven that women will do what they need to conquer.)
ReplyDeleteyou suggest that men will ultimately win the battle, yet in your recent post, topics 2 and 3 clearly go to the ladies. i think your male forces are weakening from within...
The vote count says it all.
ReplyDeleteokay you are so right
ReplyDeletewomen have the upperhand =)
i do believe that the topic of shopping should be explored
it is a woman's weakness =)
if you want a topic that should generate some dicussion try Our Economy. Who can manage it better a Man a Woman
ReplyDeleteThe women will win. We men will not stand a chance because we'll be too busy trying to have sex with the women to really fight them. Plus, men only really fight to impress women. If the women are our enemies, who is left to impress? Other men? Puh-leeze. If this war actually happens, I'm joining the women's team.
ReplyDeleteon the part about men winning in the leadership category. I have an objection. While i do agree men are natural born leaders, this is where i see the problems arising. Since they all have these feelings, they would butt heads and fight over who should be in charge and who should be making all the decisions etc, etc. Women on the other hand have subconsciously been irreversibly bonded to their own gender by history itself. Women all over the world cannot help but become full of female pride at the very mention of women's rights, and exercising their right to vote etc. SO put one determined woman in charge and the whole army is behind her. I think that one should go to the women as well.