Thursday, March 12, 2009

Runt of the Captain Planet Litter

First and foremost allow me to express my feelings toward Captain Planet. In an age of TV shows filled with sex, drugs, and violence, this televised treasure stood above the rest, fighting for a cleaner world, breaking the border between education and entertainment, and filling the hearts and minds of our children with thoughts of a better, cleaner world.

How dare they? Who do they think we are, PETA? Television isn't the place for touchy feely heartfelt messages! Especially in a cartoon! From the beginning of cartoon history, the real classics, the makers of the genre have been greats like Tom and Jerry, Wile E. Coyote, and Bugs Bunny, all of whom relied heavily on violence. Not bloody violence, just good clean potentialy-deadly-in-the-real-world kind of things. In walks Captain Planet trying to fight crime with the power of a good clean fight? Come on. Even Bugs wasn't against dropping an anvil on someone's head for the greater good, but no, not Cpt. Planet, he's above that.

Moving on to my real point here, I would just like to say how bad I feel for Ma-Ti, the little Indian kid with the heart ring. It's not that talking to animals and feeling other people's emotions isn't a great super power, really it is. But when you're in a team of teens who can do things like launch literal streams of fire out of their hands or create attacks on the level of a natural disaster, I imagine it sucks really bad when the best thing you can do is communicate with a monkey.

If i had to place a bet on the first Planeteer to go postal and just flip out on the rest of them, I'd put any money on him. He's the youngest one, kind of a loner, never in on the jokes, and again his best friend throws his own poop. On the other hand I guess he's probably the best one to freak out too, seeing as the other Planeteers could blast him with gale force winds, bury him under a mile of water, cage him in stone, and light his chimp on fire while he watches.

I know it seems awful to say, but I just wish the kid had gotten something else too, like a compensation for the lame ring. "Wheeler, here's a ring that shoots blazing columns of rightiously environmental fire. Ma-ti, this lets you talk to that monkey over there, so here's a gameboy too. Just a little something so you won't be too bored while the other four are doing real superhero stuff."


  1. Why the slightly altered names? (Buggs Bunny etc.) Are you worried about being sued for copyright infringement? If so, why aren't you worried about being sued by the Captain Planet people? Could it be that it was such an incredibly lame show that no one would care enough to sue? And this is coming from a guy who had a Captain Planet action figure. Yeah, that's right. I can admit the mistakes of my sordid Saturday morning past and still hold my head high! What amazes me is that the cartoon actually lasted long enough for someone from your generation to be aware of it. - Matt w.

  2. Good catch matt, i hadn't enev noticed those mistakes. I guess with cartoon characters it's possible to have oddly spelled names, i just took a stab in the dark with some of 'em.

  3. even noticed*

    clerly spelling isn't my strong point

  4. My favorite was when you referred to Tom and Jerry as Ben and Jerry... hahahahahaha... now that I know it was an accident it's all the funnier - Matt W.

  5. Is it good on gas? I hope not, for the sake of irony.

  6. Uh oh... no new posts for three weeks? Is this the end of Life With Little Foot??

  7. to those who feel im just having a bit of a dry spell, this happens when shows go up, no fear ill be back soon
