Ladies and gentlemen, gentiles and Jews, children of all ages, you are about to be given a special sneak peek at the movie event of the century. More dramatic than Slum Dog Millionaire, hotter than Twilight, more action packed than the last six Vin Diesel flicks combined. A roller coaster ride of love, hatred, laughter, tears and more than a little bit of true cinematic magic. People of the world, prepare to be the first to bear miraculous witness to the next movie classic of our time.
Jesus 2.0
The place: Bethlehem.
The time: Zero B.C.
The scene: Cut to a long horizon shot. The heat blurs our vision and a few trace chords of a string quartet tread lightly across our ears, barely noticeable, but swelling with anticipation. Slowly, a woman with child makes her way over the hill, she is pained, obviously close to the birth of her child. She limps her way over the dunes, the sparse grass whipping at her heels and the wind blowing the sand into her shrouded face. The music pulses as she moves closer to the camera, slowly, laboriously, as if ever fiber of her being is funneling into every step she takes. Suddenly, she stops. The chords hold as she looks up, staring into the sky. Her knees begin to quake and in one miraculous moment...

BLAM! The bearded Son of God roundhouse kicks himself out of his mother's womb, flies to the camera, stares right at the audience and says-
"Bring it on sinners."
I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it. An aviator clad, leather jacket wearing, nun chuck toting Jesus Christ blasting his way through the New Testament with a righteous fury never before seen on screen. Just imagine the possibilities!
Jesus is wandering through the desert, denying himself any food or water for forty days and forty nights. Suddenly, hard rocker Satan appears in a cloud of fire and brimstone.
"If you're so high and mighty, turn this stone into a loaf of bread! I triple-headed-dog dare you!"
Pow! Jesus flies across the desert in one fell swoop, throwing off his robes and cracking his knuckles. The devil whips around just in time to see the Messiah's bo-staff of Holy Might flying through the air right before he gets nailed right between the horns and flies a good hundred feet into a cliff face. Jesus charges up with a quick prayer before Satan even starts to recover, and walks off into the sun set to continue his journey.

This thing is gonna hit the box office like a Mack truck full of communion wafers. What's not to love! Chuck Norris can bring the thunder as the title role, I figure we can get Robert Pattinson to sign on as John the Baptist to pull in some of the teen girl demographic, the Indian guy from Harold and Kumar has a nice fan base so we can throw him in there as Joseph. All the older women eat up anything Merill Streep's in, so there's our Mother of the Lord, and we can throw in Jessica Alba for good measure as the other Mary, the hooker one.
It's an all star cast people! And it'll be nominated for every award there is! Donate to the production now, while it's still in development and you'll receive your free commemorative Jesus 2.0 rosary bead set, regularly $19.95! Get on board this upcoming film giant while there's still time!